Percentage Calculator

Welcome to this exclusive online percentage calculator by Calculator Bay. Here you can quickly find the percentage among multiple numbers, such as “X is what percent of Y” and many other percentage differences between two values.

Percentage Calculator

Now Find Out

What is Y % of X?
X is Y % of What?
What % of X is Y?
X % of What is Y?
Y % of X is What?
% ⥮ From X to Y?
X is What % of Y?
% Difference is?

Full-Screen Percentage Calculator

This percentage difference calculator computes the percentage difference between two values with high accuracy. Meanwhile, check out our full-screen Percentage Calculator, making it easier to calculate your percentage online without any distractions in fullscreen.

Online Percentage Calculator

Online Percentage Calculator enables users to compute percentage differences of multiple kinds among big numbers easily. Meanwhile, you can determine the percentage increase and decrease from one value to another in this high-precision percent calculator.

In fact, you can use this scientific calculator to find the percentage of simple mathematical numbers conveniently.

How to use the Percentage Calculator?

We have designed this calculator with user convenience in mind. Hence, you can use this online calculator to find the percentage by following these easy steps. Firstly, enter values for two variables, x and y, respectively.

Afterward, select any of the operations from the next section. Finally, hit the calculate button to perform the desired function. You can always reset the calculator to perform other operations or if something goes wrong.

Features of Percentage Calculator Visualized

Features of the Calculator

This calculator offers multiple modules to its users. The Calculator is mainly divided into four parts. In the first section, users can select two values or variables to perform selective operations. Meanwhile, the next section is dedicated to operations. Users can choose either of these to operate on the variables selected above.

Per recent updates, here is the list of crucial operations users can perform in this calculator. 

“What is the Y percentage of X.”

“X is the Y percentage of what.”

“What percentage of X is Y.”

“X percentage of what is Y.”

“Y percentage of X is what.”

“Percentage Increase from X to Y.”

“Percentage Decrease from X to Y.”

“X is what percentage of Y.”

The percentage difference between the two values.

In the next two sections, you have controls to calculate the percentage between two numbers online or reset the calculator’s memory to find the percentage again from another option.

Meanwhile, the last section of this calculator holds the result of your calculation. However, this section also informs you if something noteworthy happens.

Few More Features

This Calculator has an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand User Interface. The result percentages are rounded for users’ convenience.

You can calculate the precise percentage with multiple variants available. For example, you can find the percentage of money or decimals using this calculator. Moreover, you can calculate the percentage increase from zero to whatever figure suits you.

Calculator Bay offers a fullscreen percentage calculator to determine the percentage among multiple numbers on the fullscreen without disturbance.

Above all, Desktop and PC users can enjoy keyboard support.

Meanwhile, our online percentage calculator is supported by touch on mobile phones, tablets, and other touch-supported devices.

Percentage Formula

The percentage equation used to calculate the percentage of a mathematical number is Point % * Value X = Value Y. Using this percentage formula, you can find the percentage of the number out of the number.

For instance, enter your values in respective input boxes to find out the Y percent of X. Select the first suitable option, and then hit the calculate button to find out the error-free percentage online.

Indeed, users can use this calculator to determine the percentage of amounts using the percentage formula given before.

Visualization of Percentage Calculator Formula

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculation

Calculator Bay offers a percentage change calculator for its users. This online calculator allows users to figure out the percentage uplift and the percentage decline, respectively. 

First, select X and Y to determine the percentage reduction or increase between them. Afterward, select the option “% From X to Y?” from the options available.

At last, hit the calculate button to find if there is a percentage reduction or percentage rise.

The percentage calculated using this function would be positive for percentage gain. The resulting percentage would be harmful if there is a decrease instead of a percentage growth.

Percentage Difference Calculation

Even Calculator Bay users can find the percentage variance between the two large numbers using our online percentage calculator.

Firstly, please enter the X and Y numbers in their respective input boxes. Then, select the option “% Difference is?” from the available options. Later, tap the calculate button to compare the percentages between the statistics you provided.

Reverse Percentage Calculation

Here, users can find out the reverse percentage. For this purpose, enter the relevant values in the input boxes. Firstly, enter your final value, let’s say X. Then, enter your percentage value, let’s say Y. 

Now, select the second option, “X is Y % of What?” to figure out the original number; X is the percentage of. That is how you can determine the original number using this calculator’s backward percentage function.

Percentage Calculator Explained

This calculator has eight variant functions available for basic problems involving percentages, such as “What is the Y percentage of X?” “X is the Y percentage of what?”  and “Percentage Increase from X to Y.”

These variant options can help you solve routine percentage problems in less than a minute. Moreover, you can look at the examples below to better understand the calculator.

How to calculate 10 percent off a price?

You can calculate ten percent of a price by simply using the first variant of options in this calculator, “What is Y % of X?”. First, enter your total cost as X’s value and ten as Y’s value. Then, select the option mentioned earlier to calculate the percentage online.

How to calculate 20 percent off a price?

Similarly, we can calculate twenty percent of the original price by repeating the drill we practiced above. In this case, the sole difference would be the values of X and Y. 

So, enter the total price as the value of X and twenty as the value of Y. At last, tap on the calculate button to calculate the percentage of the original price.

Percentage Calculation Example

Finally, let’s find out what 20% of 130 is. First, convert this into a percentage equation as mentioned above, Point % * Value X = Value Y. Here, Point is 20 and X is 130. So, the equation after substituting values is  20% * 130 = Value Y.

Now, convert the 20% to a decimal value by removing the percentage sign and dividing it by 100. So, after division, the percentage equation becomes 0.20 * 130  =  Y. After further simplification, the result is 15. Hence, Y = 15.

We used to calculate the percentage using that method. Now, after the launch of this percentage calculator, you can perform this task with ease in less than a minute.


How to calculate the percentage in the calculator?

You can calculate the percentage of a number in this calculator in simple steps. First, enter your first number as the value of X and the second number as Y’s value. Then, select one of the percentage options that fits your requirement to calculate the percentage online.

What is the percent difference vs. percent change?

The percentage difference is simply the difference between the percentages or numbers for their percentage. Meanwhile, the percentage change is either an increase or a decrease in the percentage of a concerning number.

How to increase a number by a percentage?

Using a percentage calculator, you can increase a number by a percentage. Simply enter your number, provide the percentage to increase, and Calculate to achieve your desired result.

How to use the Google or Bing percentage calculator?

There is no such Google or Bing percentage calculator as per recent updates. When you search for it on Google, it redirects you to its default calculator. In comparison, Bing shows several other tools that are typical search engines. You can always use this percentage calculator for percentage calculations.