Decimal to Binary Converter

Calculator Bay is offering a free Decimal to Binary Converter. Now users can convert their decimal values into binary numbers with comfort.


Binary Converter

Convert to Decimal
Convert to Binary
Copy to Clipboard

Full-Screen Decimal to Binary Converter

Additionally, maintaining our tradition alive, we have also designed a Fullscreen variant of this converter. So, you guys can find the binary equivalent of decimal values without distraction.

Online Decimal to Binary Converter

This online converter is dedicated to decimal to binary conversions. Meanwhile, its user-friendly user interface makes it even more worthwhile and easier to find the binary of decimal numbers.

How to use the Decimal to Binary Converter?

Just like any other calculator on the Calculator Bay, this converter is simple and easy to use. Follow this guide to understand better how it works.

First of all, enter your decimal value into the concerned dialogue box. Afterward, click or tap on the “Convert to Binary” button to have your binary representation of decimal numbers after computation.

Now you can click on the “Copy to Clipboard” button to use calculated value somewhere else. Moreover, you can tap or click on the reset button that will reset the converters memory eventually so you can reuse the converter.

Meanwhile, use this binary calculator to perform Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction on the resultant binary values.

Features of Decimal to Binary Converter

Decimal to Binary Conversion Worksheet

Conversion table and Decimal to the Binary Chart

Download this Worksheet in PDF

How to Convert Decimal Value to Binary Number

We can simply convert the decimal value to binary value by dividing it by two repeatedly. It will keep resulting in one or zero as a remainder during division. Meanwhile, we will keep dividing the decimal by two until unless the final result becomes zero. So, we can convert decimal value to binary using recursion.

(345)10 = (101011001)2

(64)10 = (1000000)2

(515)10 = (1000000011)2

Conversion Example

An example to better understand the logic to convert decimal value to binary number

Decimal to Binary Conversion Example


A device that converts a Decimal value to a Binary number is known as?

A device that converts a Decimal value to a Binary number is known as an “Encoder.”

How to convert a decimal value to a binary number?

We can convert the decimal value to a binary number by dividing it by two repeatedly. It will keep resulting in one or zero as a remainder. Meanwhile, we will keep dividing the decimal by two until unless the final result becomes zero.