Path Case Converter

We proudly offer this amazing Path Case Converter, which allows you to convert plain strings or text to the path case, with each word in lowercase and separated by a slash. For example, “calculator bay converter” becomes “calculator bay/converter.” Most importantly, you can use this tool for naming *nix paths and URLs.

Character count :  
 | Word count :  
 | Line count :  

This is a useful tool for ensuring that a file or directory is referenced correctly when writing scripts and programs.

Online Text Path Case Converter

It is a simple, helpful tool for generating paths from plain text. This path case converter generates a path by first converting words to lowercase, followed by a slash, and then joining them together without punctuation.

For example, “calculator bay path case conversion tool” becomes “calculator bay/path/case/conversion/tool.”

This simple tool is relatively easy to use. To use it, simply type text into the text box and click on the “path/case” button. It automatically converts the text into a path case.

This tool is useful for rapidly generating paths from plain text on the go without remembering the entire path yourself.

Path Case Converter - Features

Example Of Path Case

Text In Normal Letter Case Text In Path Letter Case
I am in normal letter casei/am/in/path/letter/case

Features Of Path Case Converter

Most importantly, you can perform the following functions with this tool for your convenience:

Firstly, reset the content of the text box/editor to its original state.

Secondly, you can perform the Undo and Redo functions on recent conversions if you forgot something or didn’t like the results.

Most importantly, you can copy the content of the text box and reuse the resultant text with a single click.

Lastly, you can use the clear button to clear this tool’s content and memory with a single click for a fresh start.


How to convert text to Path Case?

It is pretty simple to convert your plain text into the path case. All you need is a path case converter, and you are ready. Paste your text in the dedicated text box and easily convert it into the path case.

What are the uses of path case converter?

The primary use of the path case converter is to convert a string of characters into a path string. It makes it easy to simply convert the file names into readable paths or URLs.