About Us

Welcome to Calculator Bay, your number one source for all the online calculators.

We are a group of IT professionals enthusiastic about creating quality free tools and content on the internet. The main purpose of this website is to provide a comprehensive collection of free online calculators for ease of public use. This site was launched on calculatorbay.com in 2021.

The calculators on this site were developed in-house. Some calculators use open-source JavaScript components under different open-source licenses. More than 90% of the calculators are based on well-known formulas or equations from textbooks, such as the Online calculator, Age calculator, etc. In the case of controversial formulas, we have provided the results of all popular formulas, as can be seen in the Ideal Zakat Calculator. The results of the Zakat calculators were reviewed by our financial advisors and scholars team who work for major personal financial advising firms and religious institutes respectively.

More than 95% of the descriptive content was developed in-house with a small amount of content taken from wikipedia.org under the GNU Free Documentation License. The descriptive content of the Zakat calculators was created and reviewed by our team of scholars.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I link from my website to a calculator on Calculator Bay?

Yes, please feel free to link to any page on calculatorbay.com.

How should I send suggestions or report problems?

We appreciate and welcome any suggestions and bug reporting. Please write to us via the contact form. If it involves a calculator, please include the URL of the calculator and the parameters you used.

Do you have an API to the calculators?

Sorry, we do not have an API available for now, but we are working on it.